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The Importance and Value of Professional Supervision webinar with Dr Paul Gibney
150 150 Practice Five

Free webinar Friday 16 February 2018 – 11am Australian Eastern Daylight Time Professional Supervision involves a prolonged relationship between a supervisor and a direct report, and a commitment to development, organisational engagement and availability. We believe that professional supervision is at the heart of organisational success. Registration link Dr Gibney will present a model of supervision, the…

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Professional Supervision workshop
150 150 Practice Five

Professional Supervision is often discussed as a “must do” part of professional practice and organisational culture. However, problems occur in its implementation. Often, supervisors have not been trained in the provision of supervision and rely on their own experiences (positive and negative) to inform their supervision practice.

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Transitioning to Leadership
150 150 Practice Five

At Practice Five we believe that the first few months in a leadership role can be extremely challenging. That is why we have created a comprehensive online learning program that can be easily distributed to employees as they transition to leadership. Here is a link to a recent article from the Chief Learning Officer magazine…

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