Business Development Training

Practice Five is a management consulting company that supports the development of your leadership talent and organisational success. Our services are built on our knowledge of organisational success developed over years of consulting, academic teaching, writing and coaching.

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Is Your Business Ready For Development Training?

By the time a business has grown large enough to require the services of business development training, it will most likely already have a strong corporate culture in place, and numerous policies which will act either to the benefit or detriment of the business, depending on the skill with which they have been created.

Practice Five are experts in large business training. Our business development training courses are respected as being among the very best and most innovative business development courses available in Australia.

Businesses grow in size and strength by fostering a culture of unity and shared purpose, with individuals brought together by common goals. Unfortunately many businesses stifle their own growth by allowing a culture of individual competitiveness to flourish within the organisation.

It shouldn’t take a great deal of brain power to compute that competitiveness is anathema to unity. People who are focused on what is best for themselves are not focused on what is best for the organisation and may be missing the point that what is good for the organisation is (or should be) good for them also.

Moreover, such people can’t be trusted to deliver outcomes for the organisation. Ironically they are often the very same people who may be given key roles within an organisation. How frighteningly dangerous this is to the long-term well-being and productivity of the organisation is difficult to describe, but let’s just say it is very far from ideal.

Organisations are social constructs. It is the people in them that make them what they are. Therefore, they are forever-changing; as people move in, as they move out, as people grow, as relationships form, as relationships break, as outside influences change, as learning occurs, as losses are felt.

The dynamic nature of all of this means that the organisations that achieve greatness struggle to maintain it for long because they haven’t been able to build the leadership bench strength on the qualities that will sustain excellence.

The key to excellence is organisational context. Leaders must be aware of the complex environment of technical, social, financial, political and historical perspectives in which they operate. Leaders cannot achieve excellence unless they work through the contextual environment they are in.

To find out how to deploy Practice Five training to the benefit of your workforce, call us today on 0408 385265.

Practice Five are your management consulting experts offering a unique 360 degree feedback system allowing for insightful and focused business leadership training. We also have a range of business development training & leadership developmental programs.

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Leadership Portal

Leadership Portal

Provide leadership development when your people need it – when they first assume a leadership role.

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360 Degree Feedback

360 Degree Feedback

Practice Five has developed our own proprietary software for administering 360 degree feedback surveys.

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Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Our strengths based approach to executive coaching is founded on the latest research in neuroscience and cognitive psychology and our years of consulting to organizations.

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Talk to our team and see how we can help your business.